Health & Menstrual cycle Coaching for Women who Want to Feel Vibrant, Balanced, and Energized in their Body. 


I believe that true health is about more than just diet and exercise . it's about creating a balanced and sustainable lifestyle together with your cycle, that works for you.

That's why I take a holistic approach to coaching, focusing on everything from nutrition and fitness to stress management and self-care that caters to your monthly cycle.

JUST SO you know...

BECOME your BODY'S GREATEST advocate AND friend

You won't be put into a box.

You'll get personalized, one-on-one coaching tailored to your unique needs and goals - not someone else's.

You will flow, not force.

You'll learn how to listen to your body and understand what it needs when it comes to movement, exercise and mental wellness.

You will measure, not guess.

You'll understand the power of data and use it to drive your results and understand your body.

I approach all of my coaching clients with compassion, knowledge, and most of all - personal experience. Living a vibrant and healthy life is nuanced and can be complicated after years of crash dieting, shame and body confusion. But it doesn't mean it's impossible. With patience, with trust in yourself, and with the right tools in your wellness toolkit - you can blossom into that glowing woman once again. I can't do the work for you - but I can hold your hand and cheer you on along the way. 

working together is a whole body personalized experience. 

by the end of our time together you'll feel empowered, rejuvenated and ready to make lasting change.

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I am shocked at how the lack of education around our cycles, is causing so many women to struggle with heatlh issues, avoidable symptoms and overall a lack of wellbeing. Instead society has taught us to feel ashamed of our cycles and to pretend they don't exist. 

Meaning, it's not you ... it's them

I believe that true vibrancy starts from working with your body and that each woman is unique and deserves a personalized approach to her health journey. My coaching program empowers you to take control of your health by shifting your mindset, prioritizing self-care, and creating sustainable habits that support your individual needs and goals throughout the seasons of your cycle.

Achieve Lasting Health,  Radiant Beauty from Within and stop fighting your monthly cycle

Say goodbye to the stigma of having a period and confusing health advice. It's time to embrace your true self and radiate with lasting health and beauty.


No matter what phase of life you're in, how short on time, or exhausted you are - I promise you can make healthy changes in your life.

women who have followed my proven method have experienced...

Sustained weight loss
Increased energy and vitality throughout the day
Improved sleep quality and duration
Better digestion and relief from bloating and discomfort
Enhanced mental clarity and focus
Reduced stress and improved mood
Increased strength and endurance during workouts
Improved skin health and complexion
Regular and pain free periods
Enhanced self-confidence and body positivity
Improved overall quality of life and wellbeing

Your body hears everything your mind says. Stay positive, think good thoughts, and focus on what you want to achieve. Your health is in your hands.

Together, we will review and evaluate where you currently are, your current cycle flow, your goals, support system, challenges and daily routines in order to assess what you need to achieve success on your new journey. We will create a customized plan to fit your lifestyle, based on simple, affordable yet effective daily changes to move the needle forward. 

THE VITA method



In this phase we will align your actions with your vision for optimal health. You'll take action on your custom plan and start recording data driven results. This phase is all about gathering data so you can being to understand your body in a different way. With daily and weekly check-ins you can start to understand how your body communicating with you.





Once we have some data, some results, and you're starting to understand your body on an intuitive level - it's time to transform, baby! This is where we will tweak, make adjustments, and really solidify a health and habit plan that works for you, based off results from the INSIGHT phase. This is such a fun phase, because you're feeling better, armed with new knowledge and it reminds you that Anything is Possible! 

You did it! After completion of our time together, this is where you're armed with the best tools and ready to take your health and cycle in your own hands and feel empowered to make lifelong supportive choices. True alignment in your body is where vitality, confidence and balance lies, and this is where I aim to get you.


the little things may seem insignificant on their own, but when practiced consistently, they accumulate into the big things.

daily choices are the building blocks to greatness.


YOUR personalized AND transformative WELLNESS JOURNEY

You are deserving and worthy of creating and experiencing a life filled with less overwhelm, and more peace. Less wishing, more living and less dullness and more vitality. I am here to meet you where you are at and help you finally get the results you want.

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vita Health Coaching

*3 month or 6 month commitment

Personalized support and guidance
Deep dive into your monthly cycle and seasons
Expert advice on nutrition, fitness and habit building
Stress management and self-care strategies

Improved energy and confidence
Long-term, sustainable results

Starting at $495

feel empowered


Bi-weekly coaching sessions via video chat
Unlimited support between calls
Weekly reflection practices to monitor results and collect data
Mindful goal setting aligned with your desired results
Personalized morning and evening rituals to help support your results
Meditation and cortisol lowering practices
Weekly action items, including exercises and nutritional recommendations
Seasonal recipes, personalized nutrition and meal guidance to fit your lifestyle
Support guides to help detox your home, beauty cabinet and beyond
Welcome gift sent directly to your home

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